Nadia Krasnoperova Brown joins the Starving Artist Expo for the third year with her beautiful oil paintings. Nadia is helping coordinate the Spotlighted Artists this year and assemble everyone in their places at the event. You have to see Nadia's pieces in person to appreciate their depth and texture. Read on to learn more about her beautiful art.
Nadia Krasnoperova Brown, Atlanta, GA |
I was born and grew up in Saint Petersburg, Russia - a beautiful city built on the bay of Finland, permeated with the fresh spirit of rivers and canals, decorated with unique architecture and inhabited by amazing people. The only thing I was always missing there was sun and warmth... So I am very happy now to live in the South and be able to wear short-sleeved shirts and swim suits more often than twice a year.
As I was growing up, I was able to see five generations of my family. I was blessed to have my great-great-grandmother read stories to me, my great-grandparents to take me to the countryside for mushrooms and berries picking, and of course my grandparents to teach me cooking, building and other useful life stuff.
My native language is Russian. I also fluently speak English and Spanish, and have a decent level of French. My dreams are always in color and in English.
Q: Please describe your work. What makes it different from other art in the same field?
I chose oil as my medium, but trying to capture the variety of the world, I always look for interesting formats, unusual techniques and unique color combinations. Palette knife, raised paint, split, round and oval compositions are some of the methods I like to use. Bright saturated colors help me better represent the mood I am generating on the piece.
Most of the time, I am not pursuing the goal of being realistic; I am showing my own view of the subject. Painting for me is a way of creating the alter realities originated from my mind.
Q: Can you tell us a little bit about the process your work goes through?
(Thoughts + emotions + inspiration) * (Canvas + knife + lots and lots of paint....+ music for my soul) = my art
Q: What prompted you to become and artist?
I don't really know... Painting has been in my life since early childhood and for me it has always been a way of communication with myself and the world around. If my reflections and feelings poured onto the canvas stimulate the viewer's imagination to the point that he gets lost in his own memories, dreams and thoughts - it means I have realized my ambition.
Q: What is one of the biggest failures you have faced as an artist?
I don't consider anything in life to be a failure...rather - an experience to learn from.
Q: What is one of your biggest successes as an artist?
I think I was the happiest when the Atlanta Zoo contacted me and asked me to be a featured artist in their Wild on the Rocks event in 2013. Finally my iguana series were exactly where they belonged - at the reptile house at the zoo! It was a blast.
Q: Aside from creating, what is another passion of yours?
I love my dog Jilly, my career as a graphic designer and fishing in Florida.
Q: Please share some humor you have found in your artistic endeavors.
A lady looked at my sunflower painting and said, "Wow, what a beautiful fruit plate - bananas, papayas...Gorgeous!"
Q: Is there anything else you would like to share with us about you?
I have a lot to share, and I will gladly do it in person when I see you at the Starving Artist Expo this coming Saturday!